Borderline Retarded

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Dude looks like a lady?

Happy New Year!

My husband and I rang in the new year very quietly at home with some Rum and Coke and Cook's champagne.

My sister and her husband had a New Year's party at their house. It was no regular New Year's party, as they decided to make it a "Red Dress Party".

In case you haven't seen the Red Dress Party pictures from last year, you can view them

Well, here in all their red dress glory is a picture of my family.

(p.s. I love how my Dad has tried to maintain a shred of masculinity by wearing the older than dirt 49'ers baseball cap and the red t-shirt. Seriously, relax!)

I have been told in no uncertain terms that this was the first and last time the universe will ever see my father in a dress. I have to believe in reincarnation, and that my dad will be the most fabulous drag queen the tenderloin has ever seen in his next life!


  • My family is too straight to do stuff like that, i'm way totally jealous. My dad would rather be seen at an Abba revival concert than dressing up at all. EVER. My sisters, mum and I though would go totally silly though. Dad's side of the family are all SO SQUARE!

    It looks and sounds like you had fun on NYE, congrats! I hope the little bub had a good time too!


    By Blogger Squishi, at 5:38 AM  

  • I'd be traumatised too...

    By Blogger Passerby A, at 6:26 AM  

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