posted by Robyn at 9:58 AM
I put my window up, look at him like he just asked me to join the mafia (or some russia spy ring) and drive away. Do not let strange people touch your hair! Bad things will come of it!!(or not, maybe money is involved...hmm...)
By Amy, at 6:07 AM
Drive away real fast. Throw used diapers.
By Kingfisher, at 10:39 AM
it depends - he's in a lab coat..... he might not be talking about a haircut here, but some weird "non-animal" testing.I personally would run him over a few times and flee.:)
By Squishi, at 5:37 AM
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I put my window up, look at him like he just asked me to join the mafia (or some russia spy ring) and drive away. Do not let strange people touch your hair! Bad things will come of it!!(or not, maybe money is involved...hmm...)
Amy, at 6:07 AM
Drive away real fast. Throw used diapers.
Kingfisher, at 10:39 AM
it depends - he's in a lab coat..... he might not be talking about a haircut here, but some weird "non-animal" testing.
I personally would run him over a few times and flee.
Squishi, at 5:37 AM
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